Spirits & Spiritual Interactions

Elevate Your Understanding of What You Interact With Every Day, but May Not Necessarily Recognize

The purpose of this presentation is to provide a basic understanding of spirits, and the common—although usually unrecognized—interactions we have with them.  Because spirits and spiritual forces have significant influence in our every-day life, in this presentation we discuss the importance of being able to recognize spiritual interactions and discern between those forces that are good and of the Light from those that are not.  As part of this presentation we address ways that any person can recognize and discern between uplifting versus detrimental spiritual forces, as well as how to remove those that are detrimental in a simple and straightforward manner.  Applying the principles in this presentation can help a person have more confidence and deliberate control in virtually every aspect of their life.

This presentation provides valuable and pertinent information for everyone and is presented in a clear, practical and non-mystical way.  This presentation is given from a Christian perspective, but because the principles are universal, any person regardless of faith or belief system can benefit from and effectively apply the information.


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Are you ready to learn more about the usually unrecognized spiritual forces you interact with every day? Enroll in an excellent opportunity to increase your spiritual awareness and understanding!

Spirits & Spiritual Interactions

Subjects Covered:

-Basic details about spirits
-Prevalence of spirits that interact with us
-How to recognize the presence of spirits
-Spiritual Light and Darkness
-How to simply and effectively remove spiritual Darkness and Dark spirits
-Who can do it, how to do it & propriety of doing it for yourself and others
-Additional information depending on the pre-set conditions & timeframe of the specific presentation

Presentation Time: approximately 4 hours (Can be presented in one 4 hour presentation or two 2 hour presentations. Presentations can also be tailored to specific event timeframes.)

*Dr. Palmer's Book "Spirits & Spiritual Interactions" available to purchase at the presentation or on Amazon.com in paperback or for Kindle

Get the Book now on Amazon.com in Paperback and for Kindle!