Forgiveness is crucial for complete healing of practically everything. Sometimes it’s easy to give, and other times it takes a deliberate choice and willpower. But no matter the circumstance, forgiveness is always needed in some capacity, great or small. In the end, Forgiveness brings peace and healing!
The 3 Main Principles of Working with Subtle Energies
There are 3 main principles to remember when working with subtle energies. This includes when practitioners work on clients, when we work on ourselves, or even when we are interacting with the subtle energetic world around us (which is all the time).
What Are Subtle Energies?
What exactly is a “subtle energy?” The answer to that question can be complex, but there are still some basic things we can say about them. This article talks generally about what subtle energies are, and what kinds of things affect the subtle energies of living things, places, and objects.
Muscle Testing
Muscle Response Testing can be a powerful diagnostic tool in so many situations. But it requires understanding in order to be effectively used. This article talks about, in simple terms, the neurophysiological basis for muscle testing, as well as its origins and potential general application.
Basic Concepts in Subtle Energetic Shielding
How to Energetically Shield Yourself Proper function of our physical body is dependent upon proper function of our subtle energies. As a significant part of maintaining these, we must correspondingly remove or negate negative energetic influences and exchanges. To do this we need to understand how to manage and shield our body’s subtle energies. But […]
The Nature of Existence NOW AVAILABLE on Amazon!
Finally, the book is published and available on Amazon in paperback and for Kindle! Check it out and leave me a review! Paperback: Kindle: