Forgiveness in Healing


A significant tool, perhaps one of the greatest and most powerful tools that we have for healing, is forgiveness. This is because, in the end, all of the issues that we face simply cannot be fully released without it in some degree or another.

Sometimes forgiveness is a difficult and deliberate choice, and sometimes it’s so inherent in what we want that we’re not even aware that we are doing it.  Sometimes we have to forgive truly big and terrible events or people, but other times we just need to be able to forgive our self for the dumb little things that we do. But no matter what it is, forgiveness plays a role in all things that we heal from and that we emotionally and energetically release. 

To define it, forgiveness is releasing someone or something from the obligation that it has to repay, or make up for, deficit or injury that they/it has caused to us.

It doesn’t matter if this obligation is real or merely perceived, but to forgive is to release from our end, the binding connections between us and the offending person or thing. This release of binding connections (sometimes referred to as “cords”) is where the power of forgiveness is manifest, because sometimes, nothing but forgiveness can release us. In releasing trapped emotions and the situations that led to them, forgiveness must be unconditional in order to fully release all of the binding connections and attachments that may be present. Then, and only then, can we truly be free from the full bind and burden of what we are releasing.

It should also be pointed out that forgiveness is NOT the same as things like trust or acceptance. Those are different things entirely. We can, and it is perfectly acceptable to, forgive, but not trust! Forgiveness may be divinely instructed, but trust must be properly earned. Only a fool would knowingly and intentionally open themselves up to further harm from a dangerous person, in whatever way, even once they had forgiven them for the damage and harm they had done. But even though it is not wise to trust a person who is not trustworthy in any case, we can still forgive them and release the bond and baggage that we are carrying in the matter. When forgiving, we also do not have to consider the wrongs that have happened, or the bad things that a person has done, as good or acceptable in the least. But we can still forgive them, and release grudges that we are carrying.

Additionally, a person’s simple decision to forgive and let go is tremendously powerful in its own right, but it is even more powerful when we also bring in our Higher Power.  When we forgive all necessary elements of the situation, release them to our Higher Power, and then let the Higher Power fill us with its Light to take the place of what we released, this adds a an even deeper dimension to our healing. Accepting this healing Light from our Higher Power also allows the effects of forgiveness, full release of the issue, and the healing processes, to happen much faster.

Similarly, applying forgiveness in conjunction with the strength of the Higher Power can be profoundly helpful when dealing with deep darkness of soul. This is certainly the case with any darkness of soul—anything that isn’t good adds an amount of darkness in this respect. But here I am talking about more than just “the average” darkness, if I could say it that way.

In regard to this, there are some terrible things that a person may experience in this life that are of an extreme nature, and the darkness from these events can be truly profound indeed. Unless a person has been there, there simply is no way to comprehend the kind, depth and weight of darkness that I am particularly referring to here.  But when a person is in the midst of that deep darkness and the truly crushing emotions and feelings that come with it, one of the few things that can help is true and total forgiveness. In the end, Justice will have its undeniable and inexorable claim, but sometimes the only way a soul can find relief from the crushing depths of the black is to hand that burden of judgment over to the Higher Power, and release all cords and attachments on our end through unconditional forgiveness. It may certainly not be easy, but when nothing else helps, this can be profound!

From my own personal experience I can tell you that when nothing else seems to work, when it seems that God and Light will not be summoned for any price, when it seems that there is truly no way out, no way to escape, and even that the crushing jaws of death and hell itself scream over you as the approaching, imminent end…   Unconditional forgiveness can still provide a blessed way out, to find peace again. Remember that.

When we make the choice to truly and unconditionally forgive the darkness we face, and all of the offense, injustice, hurt, and everything else that has contributed to it, this can be a truly powerful key to actually unlocking and releasing it—when nothing else can.  Our personal choice is what enables any tool that we have. But beyond this, and I know that it is not always easy, I don’t know that there is any more powerful thing to bring us peace and release than true, unconditional forgiveness. There are, sometimes, other necessary things to do too, but forgiveness is not less than they. May we never forget it!

Whether consciously recognized and deliberately applied or not, all things need to be forgiven before there can be a fully effective release and clearing. Things that a person may need to apply forgiveness to include a great number of possibilities, like forgiving people or entities that caused or contributed to an issue or situation, or even forgiving our physical body for reacting as it did to some injury or illness, or not otherwise being strong enough to withstand the circumstance. Forgiving one’s self for perceived weakness, wrongdoing, or any number of other things is also a common need. Generational issues that are passed down from parent to child over time, and that a person now has to deal with because of that, also rightly require forgiveness. For generational issues, forgiveness needs to be applied, or in the least cases recognized and offered, to parents or ancestors for passing on their aberrant and imperfect energies and DNA, and the issues that came with them, and possibly other things.

Additionally, just as important as offering forgiveness is, it is also important to recognize that we are likewise imperfect, and must ask for forgiveness of our shortcomings and part in issues as well. The greater fault may not be ours, and we may not even know if we have done anything that rightly needs to be forgiven. But even so, simply asking to be forgiven for “anything that we might have done,” can make a difference for us—and possibly for others as well. Our asking for forgiveness—from our Higher Power who supports us, as well as others that we may have offended—can help to release guilt in us and further open the way for healing on both sides of the issue as applicable. First offering forgiveness enables us to more appropriately then ask for forgiveness too, so that we are not asking for anything that we have not already given. This helps us to maintain an appropriate energetic balance, to use the phrase.

As part of this, there may also be times where a person needs to literally do something after, or outside of, offering forgiveness, in order to feel fully forgiven for some things they have done. Sometimes this may be as simple as saying, “I’m sorry” to an applicable person. Other times this may involve repairing damage that a person has caused as well as possible.  This process of making things right after a person has done something wrong is called restitution, and it goes hand in hand with forgiveness. However, sometimes there is truly nothing that can be done, and a person just has to move on. But in every case, any necessary restoring of damages needs to be done to the best of our ability for us to be able to feel that we can fully claim forgiveness for ourselves.

Every situation is at least a little different, but the principle of forgiveness is powerful both from us, and to us. It is always a key requirement to one degree or another in order to fully release trapped emotions, trauma of any kind, and so many other things. In some things we do the idea of forgiveness is inherent or implied, and may not end up being expressly stated. But other times, especially if it’s a difficult situation, expressly stated forgiveness may be effectively necessary.

Finally, I do know that at times it may be almost infinitely easier to talk about the need for forgiveness than it is to actually apply it. But regardless of how easy or hard it may be, the principle of forgiveness is still required for healing all the same. May we have the necessary strength to apply it!

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